December 25, 2018
I wanted to hope everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your visits and interest in my site, I have plans for 2019 for more illustrations, stories, printed volumes of my comics, and gear like tee shirts. I'm very bad at posting on a set schedule but hopefully that will change this year. I hope to post more aften as well while juggling all the many duties of running this site while creating and preparing art for print. Hopefully this year will also see more traditional, hand made art. I've been so pressed for time everything had to be done digitally. I've mentioned videos before and hope to have a page here for videos as well as on my you tube page.
So...theres a lot of hope for the new year. More details will come, so thank you for support. If you want to help just click on the link to my Patreon page and see some more exclusive art, notes and coments for contributors. Thanks.
Patreon page
November 25, 2018
So last month the new printer arrived, an HP wide format printer and with some help (it is 150 pounds) got it set up in the studio. I had a delay in using it as no paper shipped with the machine, forcing me to order from a dizzying array of choices from an unfamiliar inventory, yet I eventually prevailed.
My aging wide format is an Epson brand. The prints coming out of the new HP printer are great. They are much more archival, I can now print on photo glossy paper, matte paper, canvas paper, luster or satin stock, while the Epson can only print on matte papers. I'm very excited about the print options and what I can provide for you.
Also new art has been added to my gallery-the Unicorn above just one example. More limited edition art and prints will be available very soon, so be sure to check back!
There will be more news and video of the prints as I discuss the printing abilities of the new equipment and maybe chat about my art. Thanks for your visits and support.

October 28, 2018
Its been a long time since I've updated here, but there's been some family issues that kept me from posting until now. The first news is about prints offered in my Illustration gallery. Due to increases in shipping and printing costs the prices for prints must increase.
The good news is prints will be available in matte or glossy finishes with archival materials equal to or better than before. The new prints look fantastic and will be ready very soon. I'll also regulate prints in more standard size formats. I hope this will simplify matting or framing.
The prices for prints aren't online now, but new prices will be posted with the next week or so.
There'll be more news posted here soon. Be sure to check back for new art as well. Thanks for your visits.
July 2, 2018
New Dragonet art in the gallery!
May 2, 2018
Final art for Troll bridge. The complete art is available on my patreon page for supporters.
March 31, 2018
Rough sketch for new art, Troll bridge.
March 29, 2018
The Journeys of Dragonet has launched with the cover of the new chapter.
February 26, 2018
We had an early Spring here but Winter returned with a thick layer of snow and cold. But we needed the moisture. I have been working steadily on comics and illustrations, like the above Dragonet vs. the ghosts of the vampire chapel.
I have roughed, lettered and layed out fourteen pages of the new chapter of Dragonet, The Journeys of Dragonet.
I hope the rest of the chapter goes faster as I've finally nailed down the rest of the story. I have to admit to being distracted by the news of the world on the web lately, and researching equipment for heat pressing tee shirt designs. I will have more news on these and other updates within a week. Sorry for being silent for so long.
January 8, 2018
Writing continues on the next chapters of Dragonet. It is getting involved as I hunt down the many notes on characters, scenes, various episodes I've filed over the years (there are many files) and try to fit them all together with some continuity. A lot of adventures remain for Dragonet and my other comic character, Journey Man. Family medical issues continue and care becomes more involved, but that is the way it goes. I work while I can, with much less time available or a predictable schedule for projects like art for now.
But the work goes on. When there is a new chapter completed it could post daily. Story production, though more complicated now with so many more plots, scenes and characters, is getting done and removing one more delay from going forward.
I appreciate anyone who continues to follow Dragonet or my other projects. I hope to have more news and progress reports in the near future. Thanks for your visits and support.